Boise Systems

Boise Systems is an independent book club focused on systems programming. It is entirely community-run, not affiliated with any company.


We intend to start meeting weekly in January with our first book. We will cover one chapter per week. At twelve chapters, it should take about three months to complete the book.

Each week, one participant will provide a quick summary of the chapter. They will also come prepared with a few questions for the group to help faciliate conversation.


The first book will be Designing Data-Intensive Applications:

“NoSQL… Big Data… Scalability… CAP Theorem… Eventual Consistency… Sharding…

Nice buzzwords, but how does the stuff actually work?

As software engineers, we need to build applications that are reliable, scalable and maintainable in the long run. We need to understand the range of available tools and their trade-offs. For that, we have to dig deeper than buzzwords.

This book will help you navigate the diverse and fast-changing landscape of technologies for storing and processing data. We compare a broad variety of tools and approaches, so that you can see the strengths and weaknesses of each, and decide what’s best for your application.”

A physical copy of the book can be found for sale at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other book stores.

A digital copy of the book is accessible at the O'Reilly Learning Library. You can access O'Reilly Learning Library for free with a Boise Public Library card at Digital Resources.

Sign up

Fill out the Google Form and join us in the #bookclub channel of the Software Developer Group on Discord.

Inspired by NYZ Systems, Software Internals Book Club, and others.

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